Saturday, July 7, 2007

Hansel & Gretel got nothin' on me!

In theory, a trail of bread crumbs WOULD come in handy around here to find your way home. The maze of alleys and narrow winding streets is confusing, even for a confident map reader like myself. But, I have the luxury of relying on a little sign that says "Anna's Restaurant" to help me find my way home from town. Actually, there is a series of these small (4"x8"), hand-painted directional signs as I progress up the hill and they eventually lead me to my "local square", Yiftorema, and of course, to Anna's Restaurant. From there, I can find my way. Apparently, streets here do not have names and if you want to tell someone where you live, you refer to your local square and go from there. My local square boasts a Russian hair-dresser's shop.

Here is another balcony spilling over with bouganvilla. It's everywhere and just lovely.

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