Thursday, July 19, 2007

Self-portraits at sunrise

One morning around 4 a.m. we had a little "wind storm" and shutters all over the neighborhood starting banging and slamming open and shut. I got up to secure things but, by 6 am I wasn't able to fall asleep again. I decided to try to catch a sunrise. With un-brushed hair and wearing no makeup (you'll see why this comes into play in a minute), I walked to the Kastro walls and climbed the steps to the top.

I have a pretty good idea which direction is east, but with the mountains around I wasn't sure exactly where the sun would appear. It finally started to rise, behind a mountain as anticipated, and I was waiting around for it to hit that perfect spot for a photograph. It never did. These digital cameras are great for alot of things, but capturing quality pictures where special timing and lighting are involved just isn't one of them.

Anyway, I got a little bored up there with no one else around, so with outstretched arm, I started taking some sunrise self-portraits. Quality aside, the entertainment factor is evident. Here are a few....

Once I got home, I heard the village "trash man" coming down the hill. He picks up the small bags of garbage people hang on gate posts every morning and carries them away on his mules. Antiquated, but wonderful!

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