Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Boys will be boys.

I've found that in almost every country I visit, no matter what the culture, men still love spending time with "the guys". India, Portugal, Kenya, Italy... it's always the same. Here on Skopelos, this is no exception, and there is a covered open-air space on the waterfront where the old Greek men congregate.

They show up early in the morning and play cards, throw dice, drink coffee, smoke cigarettes and click their worry beads (more on that later). They stay late into the evening and occasionally, an older lady will appear and sit unobtrusively next to her husband. Tonight I walked past the area and saw these two men. I just couldn't resist asking if I could take their picture. I'm shameless when it comes to capturing Kodak moments. Much to my surprise, they obliged, and one of them even held up his glass.

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