Sunday, July 15, 2007

My Sunday morning stroll

This morning I woke up early and since it was cool, I headed off for a walk. I went straight up into the hills around the town. As I got to the top, I took a few self-portraits, trying to capture some scenery in the background. Sometimes I wish I had longer arms... and no double chin... and a flat stomach. I digress.

The road flattened out pretty nicely and started to wind across the face of the hill. Not knowing where it went, I followed it for a while, hoping I wouldn't have to backtrack. The trail led through the usual farms and olive groves and provided magnificent views of the town below once I got to the top.

The trail finally started to veer downwards, steeply, and I followed it to town. No aerobics class could have provided a better workout. On the way up the hill in the beginning, my heart was racing. My pulse remained strong as I walked across the hill, and then as I made my way down the steep incline at the end, my quads were burning from "putting on the brakes" the whole way. As I neared the bottom, I passed a small church and discovered a peaceful and beautiful cemetery. The wrought-iron entry gate showed the date 1928.

Back in town, I followed the local ladies to the Greek Orthodox Church in the center of town. They were dressed to the nines and wearing heels even though they had to walk down steps and cobbled lanes to get there. Many of the older ladies in the village wear black dresses, pretty much every day, so I can only assume they are widowed. Since I was dressed in shorts and a tank top, I stood outside and listened as the service proceeded. Most of the people inside seemed to be standing. The doors were open and I could hear various men, more of less singing or chanting the various parts of the service, sometimes in harmony. It was beautiful even though I couldn't understand a word of it. Periodically, to emphasize something being sung, an elderly man would step outside and tug the ropes that rang the large church bell in the tower above.

There was also a gentle "sleigh-bell" type ringing that punctuated the service inside. The voices reminded me a little of monks chanting, and the mass went on for almost an hour and a half! Afterwards everyone spilled into the sunlit courtyard and had refreshments.... brought by the local bakery. A large crumb cake topped with powdered sugar was the main event. As people left the church, they were given pretty little paper bags to take with them. I was dying to know what was inside, but no one seemed to open their bag as they left. Oh well.... that's a mystery for another day.

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